Plight Crew Productions (Originally Plight Recorder Productions) was formed in the mid 2000's when a bunch of like-minded Aussie Hip-Hop Heads decided they were "Sick of listening" and that it was "Time to start Creating." And thus we were born.
Conceived during what many "Old Heads" refer to as Aus Hip-Hop's Golden Age, Plight has always had its roots firmly planted in Local Hip Hop Culture, and continue to live by that same mantra today; "Stop Listening, Start Creating."
In the words of Knax, "Plight was formed on a Voltron tip. Quality over quantity. A verbal diary to ensure our legacy left a mark. With roots in the foundations we strive to create and leave an impression in the incredible culture we channel daily to promote and move forward."
Fast Forward to 2021, and we are beginning to turn what originated as "Pipe Dreams" into Reality. PCP is more than just a Label, More than just a Brand. Plight Crew Productions is a family. We are dedicated to bringing to Australia and the World the best sounding Hip-Hop we can create, and the dopest threads that money can buy.
Strap in for the ride fam, it's no holds barred from here on out!
- Plight Crew